Living Soil S.O.P. For Indoor Cultivation - Not a Schedule

Описание к видео Living Soil S.O.P. For Indoor Cultivation - Not a Schedule

In this video we go over our Living Soil S.O.P. For Indoor Cultivation. This S.O.P. is based around collecting data from your own garden, and only using products for which the data points to.

This S.O.P. is our v1.0, and is always going to be a work in progress. We have tested it on commercial scale gardens, as well as with home growers. All of the procedures are done with keeping heavy metals in mind. Caveat being, there are to many variables to guarantee a pass, but it's getting easier and easier to pass heavy metals if you don't do dumb stuff.

Living Soil S.O.P. For Indoor Cultivation Download Link:


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