残り2秒で4人が完成させたミイラの間 4 people completed mummy challenge in under 2 seconds【謎解きバトルTORE!】

Описание к видео 残り2秒で4人が完成させたミイラの間 4 people completed mummy challenge in under 2 seconds【謎解きバトルTORE!】


4 people complete mummy challenge with 2 seconds left
Question: Answer 8 of the top 20 things that men consider in a partner when dating.
1. Annual income (年収の差)
2. Height (身長の差)
3. One's age from appearance (見た目年齢の差)
4. Looks (ルックスの差)
5. Job Title/Occupation (職業の肩書きの差)
6. Family (家柄の差)
7. Fashion sense (ファッションセンスの差)
8. Academic background (学歴差)


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