Bioptic Telescopic Glasses

Описание к видео Bioptic Telescopic Glasses

People with Macular Degeneration, Stargardt Disease, Diabetic Retinopathy, Albinism and other conditions often tell me how difficult it is to see distant objects. They can't recognize friend's faces. They can't enjoy watching sports or live theater. They'd like to see their children or grandchildren better when they are playing sports. And of course, they have often had to give up driving. They are losing their independence.
Bioptic telescopic glasses can help many people with impaired vision see better so they can enjoy these things that are so important to them.
Watch this video. I will tell you all about bioptic glasses. How they work, how they help and I'll show you the various types of bioptics.
I hope this video is helpful to you.


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