12.000$ 1975 ( Showa 50) Japan 100 Yen most Valuable Coin, Value+Review

Описание к видео 12.000$ 1975 ( Showa 50) Japan 100 Yen most Valuable Coin, Value+Review

The 100 yen coin is one of the most widely circulated coins in Japan and is used for everyday transactions.
Occasionally, special editions or commemorative 100 yen coins are minted to celebrate events or anniversaries.
100 yen coinage was first authorized in 1951 with the specification that the coins be made of a silver alloy.These were first minted for circulation in 1957 and feature a phoenix on the reverse. The alloy decided upon consisted of 60% silver, 30% copper, and 10% zinc and came at a time when banknotes of the same denomination were already in circulation.The "100 yen" bill hence became a substitute to the coin as the two were allowed to co-circulate.The design of the coin was later changed in 1959 which removed Latin script ("Yen") and changed


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