The Most Expensive Dog in the World: VICE INTL (China)

Описание к видео The Most Expensive Dog in the World: VICE INTL (China)

​This year, a Tibetan Mastiff puppy reportedly sold for almost $2 million in China, making it the priciest dog ever purchased.

Originally domesticated as sheepherding guard dogs in the Tibetan Plateau, these large, puffy­-haired, and extremely uncooperative canines are prized by wealthy Chinese for their alleged ferociousness (one zoo even tried to pass a Tibetan Mastiff off as a lion, ​according to some reports - Over the past decade, Tibetan Mastiffs have become a status symbol for a growing class of new­ moneyed entrepreneurs. VICE China went to the the 2014 Yidu Tibetan Mastiff Fair in Tianjin to learn more.

Watch 'Dining on Dogs in Yulin' -

Read: Has China's One-Child Policy Bred a Generation of Dog Lovers? -

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