I Don't Want To Abandon My Artistic Endeavors (Paradigm Amicus Brief) | Song A Day

Описание к видео I Don't Want To Abandon My Artistic Endeavors (Paradigm Amicus Brief) | Song A Day

In our continuing series of songs about our lawsuit against the SEC, here's an amicus brief filed by Paradigm, set to music!

You can find this and all Song A Day songs over at:

Amicus brief.
Amicus brief.
It's time for an amicus brief.
Let's go.
Plaintiffs in this case are artists.
Artists who have created works of art.
They plan to imminently release.
Yet they're afraid that doing so we'll subject them to
SEC enforcement action, which could entail monetary penalties and force plaintiffs to abandon their
artistic endeavor. I don't want to abandon my artistic endeavors.
Plaintiffs, along with other
NFT artists and creators, have no meaningful guided zone when they're creative.
And error will be considered unlawful because thus far, the
SEC alone has. I've been deciding which artist to attack, which artist to attack,
which artist to attack.
And I don't want to abandon my artistic endeavors.
No, I don't want to abandon my artistic endeavors.
Oh, I want to abandon my artistic endeavors. I don't want to abandon my
artistic endeavors. I don't want to abandon my artistic endeavor. I don't want to
abandon my artistic endeavor. I don't want to abandon my artistic endeavors. I don't
want to abandon my artistic endeavors.

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