Christopher Pike tribute - Ordinary Human (Discovery SMV)

Описание к видео Christopher Pike tribute - Ordinary Human (Discovery SMV)

"You are a Starfleet captain. You believe in service, sacrifice, compassion... love. No. I'm not going to abandon the things that made me who I am because of a future… that contains an ending I hadn't foreseen for myself!"

Well, well, well... If I say "I planned this video for ages", I probably underestimated the time. I knew I will make a Pike tribute, since I watched the second season of Discovery, because (as to many others) he soon became one of my favourite captains. However, I couldn't find a song, and it is always hard for me to start, and edit with actual "live" material. Anime is much easier, it goes with the flow. So I made Rubik's Cube about Spock and Michael, and didn't do his tribute. Then a few months ago "Ordinary Human" popped up in my playlist. I almost immediately thought of Pike - despite the fact that he is a quite heroic character, I always look back on TOS, when I see his scenes. There, he is completely lost, his friends died, he made a bad call, and feels like he failed as a captain - and as Discovery continues to tell his story, how he felt during the klingon war, how he runs into the danger without hesitation, just because he can't accept more losses, he actually appears a flawed person with doubts. However, he still developes, he learns about himself and the others, faces great obstacles, and overcomes them, and in the end, this is exactly what makes him a great leader... that he doesn't forget that he is human.

Also, the parts "used to be a shadow now, a shadow scream my name, and in the daylight I could swear that we're the same" fits perfectly with his vision of the future, and also somehow his relationship with Vina... I don't really like them together, but the similarities of their fate always intrigued me. I hope you enjoy the video! Of course, as always, I don't own anything, the video is purely fanmade.


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