15 Foods to Speed UP Muscle Growth

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These 15 foods will help you build muscle fast. This high-protein food list isn't just full of common foods like chicken breast and eggs. Discover some new protein options that you never considered before. These foods are specifically chosen for muscle growth, taste, and novelty.
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Building muscle is influenced by what you eat at least just as much as the workouts you're doing. In fact, if your diet isn't on point you're not going to build much muscle regardless of how many curls, presses, and squats you do at the gym. Unfortunately, people tend to focus on their sets, reps, and trips to the gym more than they focus on what they're doing afterward in the kitchen. So today I want to give you guys 15 of the best foods you can eat to help build muscle as fast as possible

Before we jump into options like chicken, fish, and eggs that we all probably already know about let's talk about some lesser-known protein sources that you may not be aware of. For example, egg life egg white wraps can help you increase your protein intake while enjoying some really tasty options like soft tacos, low-carb chicken enchiladas, and of course, any kind of wrap idea you can think of whether that's deli cuts and cheese, or a tuna wrap. Egg wraps are a relatively new addition to grocery stores so a lot of you may not be aware that these wraps are entirely made of protein and they come in many different flavors including original, everything, and southwest style which works so well for soft tacos by the way. Each egg wrap has 5 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat, and 0 grams of carbs.
Another high-protein option that you might be unaware of is mung bean fettuccini. I've made a light fettuccini alfredo with this many times and it always tastes amazing. However, unlike regular fettuccini which has over 42 grams of carbs and only 4 to 7 grams of protein, mung bean fettuccini has a whopping 24 grams of protein and only 20 grams of carbs most of which happens to be fiber. The best part is like I said it truly tastes delicious. The same company also makes black bean spaghetti which has a very similar macronutrient profile. 

Next is beef jerky and turkey jerky. Both of these are high-protein snacks that taste really good and can be eaten whenever you're short on time or out and about. One of the leanest options that's almost entirely made out of protein is Jack Links zero-sugar beef jerky. It contains 0 carbohydrates, only 2 grams of fat, and 13 grams of protein. This is by far one of the best high-protein snacks you can have. The macronutrient distribution is far better than something like a protein bar and contains very few additional ingredients aside from beef. 

Next, I want to draw your attention to seitan which is a plant-based source of protein, that stands out among other plant-based sources. For those of you who are vegan, vegetarian, or just trying to reduce your meat consumption, seitan can be cooked to taste just like chicken and meat, and it's naturally very high in protein, typically containing around 25-30 grams of protein per 3.5-ounce serving. It's also one of the very few plant-based protein sources that contain all nine essential amino acids. Unlike other vegetarian sources of protein, it's naturally low in carbohydrates and contains beneficial nutrients like iron, calcium, and selenium.

Now a lesser-known meat is Bison meat. Bison or buffalo meat is great for building muscle due to its high-quality amino acid profile. It's also very lean so it has a much lower fat content compared to beef. This means that it'll help you build muscle while minimizing excess calorie intake helping you stay lean as well. It's also full of vital nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. These are all crucial for muscle function. For example, Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to your muscles while you exercise. Without enough iron, your muscles may not get enough oxygen, leading to fatigue, and decreased performance. The other nice thing about Bison is that it typically receives much fewer hormones and antibiotic treatments when compared to regular beef. This is mostly because Bison is usually raised in more natural environments and ends up leaner and healthier. So unless your beef is pasture-raised and grass-fed, bison is almost always a better option. 

Let's now throw in another snack that has amazing macros for raising your protein intake without taking in additional calories. Light string cheese, specifically my favorite brand is Frigo light string cheese. As I alluded to earlier, most people believe that they're making a healthy muscle-building choice by eating protein bars. But each of these cheese sticks contains 6 grams of protein and only 2.5 grams of fat with 50 calories overall. that means you can eat 4 of them and only take in 200 calories along with 24 grams of


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