Sleep Training Worked For Us!

Описание к видео Sleep Training Worked For Us!

After 15 years of marriage with no children, Chris & Rachel suddenly became parents of twins! Find out how sleep training was key to their finding a new routine, and how a stuffed bear not only helped Rachel through her fear of needles but will endure as a sentimental keepsake for their kids. All that, and the role their faith played, in this episode of The Embryo Adoption Podcast. (time stamps below)

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1:00 How Chris & Rachel became Christians

2:30 How being Christians affected the way they navigated infertility

3:30 How they learned about embryo adoption and the NEDC

5:03 What going through the NEDC was like

6:33 Rachel on overcoming her fear of shots during the process with the help of a little stuffed bear

8:05 What it was like when the twins were born

9:54 The twins’ personalities and how they’ve changed Rachel and Chris’s lives

10:54 How having the twins go through sleep training with a sleep consultant helped the transition to life as a family of four

12:27 What they love most about the NEDC


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