02 The Union (Mercury) - Music of the Spheres

Описание к видео 02 The Union (Mercury) - Music of the Spheres

Composed by Martin O'Donnell, Michael Salvatori and Paul McCartney

"For millennia, humans have gazed into the night sky. We identified "wandering stars," spheres that didn't move in sync with the rest. These spheres became the inspiration for myths and gods, literature, art, and music. Seven of these are also part of the story of Destiny.

For untold ages the Traveler sent signals from deep in the galaxy to our solar system, signals interpreted and identified by the subconscious mind of humanity as music. Music that tells a story about worlds that have yet to be experienced, places that don't yet exist. The message of the Traveler, along with the inner harmony amongst the seven spheres themselves, has inspired what you are about to hear.

Author C.S. Lewis wrote, "Music which is too familiar to be heard enfolds us day and night and in all ages." We, the composers, are excited to present this realization of Music of the Spheres."

Download Music of the Spheres https://mega.nz/file/lEQWSaCZ#gt_VozA...

Details about this music https://redd.it/7m2rmp


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