King of Kings

Описание к видео King of Kings

Stephanie shares her testimony behind the choreography of King of Kings.

“By His blood and in His name, in His freedom, I am free! For the love of Jesus Christ who has resurrected me”

These words spoke volumes to me as I stood amongst the thousands worshipping the Lord during a conference last October. I remember feeling a strong conviction in my heart as I sang, a deep security in the One who holds my entire life, the One who knows me, the One who empowers me; this is the God that I worship. A God who is not dead, but ALIVE and this God is sovereign over all.

With this conviction, I chose to choreograph to King of Kings by Hillsong Worship for the School of Witness 2020. There are many truths in the song that I desired for the participants to embody, not so much about themselves but about who God is! And the truth is, this Truth will never change. This King that we worship is not simply one who is sovereign over a sole kingdom but over everything. To be the King of kings is to have the highest authority, the final say - that even the kings would bow before Him. My friends, this is the good news that I want to share with you today! It is finished, it is done. God’s precious act of love and sacrifice has won us an unfailing hope with the resurrection that we celebrate today! Whatever the mountain before you, Jesus is your victory in every battle. He is the conqueror and even death has no hold on Him. With God on your side, even death has no hold on you. The prayer of my heart is that all will come to know of the sovereignty and greatness of our God, that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is indeed Lord and Saviour.

This Easter Sunday, I want to claim for all of us the joy and hope of the resurrection in each of our lives. Let the living God move and surprise you as He works all things out for your good. Let the living God make a way for you. Let the living God fulfil His promises in your life. Let the living God be your way, your truth and your life. Let the living God love you today. Jesus, you alone are the King of kings, and we will honour, celebrate and rejoice in You and you alone. Take your place in our hearts always. Amen.

Choreography: Stephanie Lee
Dancers: School of Witness 2020 (SOW2020) Participants
Song: King of Kings by Hillsong Worship
Filmed by: Saint Max Pte Ltd

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