狗狗聽我的 - 如何建立狗狗的自信 (How to Nurture Confidence In Your Dog

Описание к видео 狗狗聽我的 - 如何建立狗狗的自信 (How to Nurture Confidence In Your Dog

  / anniedogtraining  
來信詢問一對一課程時 ([email protected]) 請包括:
1. 你的姓名、居住城市、郵址
2. 狗狗年齡、性別、種類、是否已節育
3. 們困擾你的問題


When you do not give enough guidance to your dog, essentially you are requesting your dog to "make sense" this world on its own. This world, however, are full of hard to understand phenomenons especially for naturally sensitive dogs. Phenomenons such as "strangers would approach to pet the dog regardless if a dog wants to be petted or not", "motorized vehicles would approach it quickly and then 'run away'", and "strange loud noises would threat the dog's nest" are extremely difficult to understand for some dogs because many are against animal survival instincts. In this film, I have demonstrated exercises you can do with your skittish dog to help them cope with our strange human world!

music by Dana Boul


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