SB19 - MAPA (Lyrics)

Описание к видео SB19 - MAPA (Lyrics)

“MAPA” has two different meanings. First is when “Ma, Pa” was divided, it consists of the pet names called to the mothers and fathers in the Philippines. “Ma” is another term for mother, while “Pa” is also another term for father.

The song portrayed a heartfelt love for the parents and greatly appreciates all the parents who are sacrificing to not be with their children, and need to earn funds just to respond to their children’s need.

The perspective of the song also came from a son or daughter that have their parents far away from them, and continues to be their inspiration.

They understood the sacrifices and struggles of their parents working far from them. With a hint of having a pop rock tune, the lyrics may be kind of sad, but it sends a strong message to the listeners.

#mapa #sb19 #ATin #lyrics #opm

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