Music is Medicine, Rafe Pearlman

Описание к видео Music is Medicine, Rafe Pearlman

SAND16 Opening Night

Music is Medicine (aka "MiM") is an electronic-organic trance-fusion by soundhealing interplanetary medicine-makers: the shamanic duo: Rafe Pearlman and Zia Sunseri. Together, they collaborate in creating soundhealing events and spectacular ritualistic and operatic performances to stimulate the archetypes of our souls. Rafe and Zia also lead SoundSpa-soundbaths which are unique soundhealing experiences, as well as Workshops on Finding Your Natural Voice and Vocal-Trance experiences. Rafe’s vocal
expressions synthesize a range of influences from American soul to Eastern devotional singing and influences from the wilds of nature. Zia draws on archetypal and shamanic roots as a soundhealer, shamanic counselor, art therapist, and singer/composer.


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