学中文地点 | Learn Places in Mandarin Chinese | 我的社区 | Places in my community in Mandarin Chinese

Описание к видео 学中文地点 | Learn Places in Mandarin Chinese | 我的社区 | Places in my community in Mandarin Chinese

#学中文地点 #placesinChinese #learnChineseplace

In this video, you can learn how to say the places in Chinese. This is the vocabulary list. (生词表)
home, house 家 jiā
bus station 车站 chē zhàn
store, shop 商店 shāng diàn
school 学校 xué xiào
supermarket 超市 chāo shì
restaurant 饭馆 fàn guǎn
hospital 医院 yī yuàn
cinema 电影院 diàn yǐng yuàn
bank 银行 yín háng
bakery shop 面包店 miàn bāo diàn
coffee shop 咖啡馆 kā fēi guǎn
library 图书馆 tú shū guǎn
park 公园 gōng yuán
pharmacy 药店 yào diàn
post office 邮局 yóu jú


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