Kang Tae Oh Discharged from the Military

Описание к видео Kang Tae Oh Discharged from the Military

Kang Tae Oh has finished his required military duty. Kang Tae Oh was released on March 19 after completing his military service as an active duty soldier for nearly one year and six months, which began in September 2022. Kang Tae Oh stated, "I enlisted after receiving tremendous support from everyone after finishing 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo.'" I spent the end of my 20s and beginning of my 30s in the military, and it was a meaningful time in which I changed my bad behaviors and acquired only positive things." He goes on to say, "I will work to impress with great projects going forward, so please show lots of anticipation and love." .. During his military duty, Kang Tae Oh read the memorandum at last year's memorial ceremony on Hyeonchungil (Memorial Day in South Korea) and worked as an assistant teacher at the Recruit Training Center. Kang Tae Oh's agency, Man of Creation, announced ahead of his discharge that the actor is in discussions to feature in the forthcoming drama "Potato Research Institute" (literal title), a romantic c


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