Veigar Combo Guide

Описание к видео Veigar Combo Guide

This is our first combo tutorial that we are going to do with Veigar, we found many requests for a Veigar combo guide.
That Veigar Combo Guide shows you how to play Veigar in Season 10
In this video the Bav Bros show you six insane combos with Veigar that every Veigarmain should know in Season 10!

We hope you will enjoy this video! And we could help you with Veigars ability combos and could teach you, how to play him

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YouTube Playlists:
↪ Guides:    • MASTER YI GUIDE FOR SEASON 10 - Runes...  
↪ Montagen:    • Is Master YI + Taric Combo still Brok...  
↪ Tutorials [GER]:    • Die BESTEN KOSTENLOSEN Videoschnittpr...  

Other Combo Guides:
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Track: twoDB & Casey Baer - Strangers
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original:    • twoDB & Casey Baer - Strangers (Magic...  
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Track: Levianth - Damage is Done (Ft. Veronica Bravo)
Music Provided by Magic Records
Listen To The Original:    • Levianth - Damage is Done (Ft. Veroni...  
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