Slow Dancing With Chaos at Omega

Описание к видео Slow Dancing With Chaos at Omega

In these funky, frenetic times, we need our feet on the ground, our instincts intact, and our intuition in full force. Being true to the signs and signals that come from within is our survival art, not to mention a way to move with integrity in a world in flux.

Hidden in chaos, like the eye of the hurricane, is the moving center, our power center, a place deep in our belly that holds our equilibrium and harmony. The way to this center is a deep medicine journey, a journey of blood, bones, and sweat—nothing less than an intimate affair with ourself.

When we are this connected to our true self, we respond instinctively and intuitively, rather than from fear or habit. We know when to stay and when to go, when to speak and when to be silent, when to be patient and when to push, when to rush full tilt and when to be still.

And so we move. Fueled by the ecstatic language of the 5Rhythms®, a cathartic form of dance, this is movement as spiritual practice, a dancing, kinetic prayer of connection to the unpredictable mystery of it all.

(Footage from Omega Institute)


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