
Описание к видео 勾心鬥角?復聯集結!娛樂向解說匹諾康尼群像喜劇!【泛式/星穹鐵道】

娛樂向解說 星鐵匹諾康尼篇2.0-2.2主線劇情!非硬核解析向,風格較為輕佻,大家圖一樂就好。

► 本視頻由「泛式」本人投稿,這是我在YouTube的唯一正版頻道。
► This is FunShiki (泛式) 's one and only official YouTube channel, thanks for subscribing.

△微博:@泛式 http://www.weibo.com/FunShiki

This channel is only used to recommending anime, comics and games. All the videos are not intending to against copyright law, only to assisting commentary and recommendation. If it cause any lost of yours, please contact me immediately.


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