How to Handle Nasty Staff Meetings in Church

Описание к видео How to Handle Nasty Staff Meetings in Church

Welcome to the Fresh Church Podcast! In this episode, Pastor Tony dives into a challenging topic that many church staff members face: hurtful and unproductive staff meetings. If you've ever walked out of a meeting feeling defeated, disillusioned, or ready to quit, this episode is for you.

Key Points Covered:
Introduction: The common pain points in church staff meetings.
Personal Stories: Pastor Tony shares real-life examples of difficult meetings.
Types of Meetings: An exploration of 11 different types of challenging meetings.
The Invalidated Meeting
The Unheard Meeting
The Overwhelmed Meeting
The Wasted Meeting
The Do-Over Meeting
The Awkward Meeting
The Conflict Resolution Meeting
The Stabbed in the Back Meeting
The Under the Bus Meeting
The You're in Trouble Meeting
The Termination Meeting
Tips for Handling Tough Meetings: Practical advice on how to breathe, pray, listen, and take notes.
Post-Meeting Strategies: Steps to take after a meeting to process information, find support, and follow up effectively.

Key Scripture:
Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT) - "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!"

Additional Resources:
Coaching Opportunities: Learn more about personalized coaching with Pastor Tony at
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