Katajjacoustic - Traditional Throat Singing of the Inuit

Описание к видео Katajjacoustic - Traditional Throat Singing of the Inuit

Kiah Hachey and Karen Flaherty are two young Inuit women from Nunavut in Northern Canada. Their magic is the female traditional art of katajjaq. Mostly performed as a duet, this form of throat singing mimics the natural world. Wind, ice, sea and bird sounds dominate.

Three young composers, students at the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar/ studio of electro-acoustic music, joined the duo.

Kiah Hachey – throat singing
Karen Flaherty – throat singing
Paul Hauptmeier – live electronics
Martin Recker – live electronics
Sergio Valencia – sound production

Recorded on 1 July 2015 at the "mon ami", Weimar.

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