[Arknights] VI-7 Easy Brute Force Guide with High End Operators - Also works for Challenge Mode

Описание к видео [Arknights] VI-7 Easy Brute Force Guide with High End Operators - Also works for Challenge Mode

All Operator Skills are on M3.
This is a smol brain brute Force Guide for Vigilo Event Mission VI-7 NM/CM.
This Guide can be applied to both NM and CM - The high redeployment time of CM doesn't really matter.

Due to my small brain for better strategies i found my strategy to Brute Force this stage - It took some ingame/real life sanity to get Patriot second stage but i finally figured out a way with Ash combined with the typical Boss Killers.

For Faust, just make sure that he hits a defender/high HP target till camoufalge ends - Then sutr him. I used Mon3tr to get the big axe bob and Mudrock for the rest - Retreat Mon3tr as soon as the bix axe bob and the small mobs are dead - So redeployment time is enough to get him out for "The Big Ugly Thing"

For "The Big Ugly Thing" just roast it with Ash, Mon3tr and Ifrit, the parrot will die before he reaches the blue Box.

For the Bow and Axe Boys i used Elysium to bait out the Axe Boys Special skill, then it is just Surtr hitting both champs and botlane doing the rest.

Patriot was the hardest to figure out - I dont know - brain lags maybe.
Just use EVERYTHING on him :)

0:00 Let the Brute Force Begin
0:46 Faust enters the Arena
2:11 "The Big Ugly Thing" arrives
3:22 Axe Boy and Bow Boy try to Shine
4:00 Time for Patriotism

Hope that helps you to figure out your strategy.
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