Clutch 2 & 3 Egg Cutting and sad update

Описание к видео Clutch 2 & 3 Egg Cutting and sad update

Honestly this was a hard video to shoot. I love having, caring and breeding these animals. Creating beautiful life doesn't get old. Unfortunately the reality is the more we own and the more we breed the more situations we will encounter. Having hatchlings not make it out of the eggs, some do latter pass away, some have small kinks and some completely messed up. I have heard countless times is just part of what we do even tho that may be truth I will NEVER get used to it. This was devastating to me but we will keep on keeping on because the good days are better than the bad ones.
#snakes #ballpython #2024season #reptiles #shutupandbreed #devastating #sad #sadresults #thetruth #thegoodthebadandtheugly #hatchlings #creatinglife #update #sadupdate #eggcutting #beautiful #piedballpython #black #blackpastel #exotic #exoticpets #oneeye #oneeyesnake #musiccity #615 #breeding #breedingballpythons


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