Airbrush Minefield

Описание к видео Airbrush Minefield

Which airbrush is best???

Does a higher price automatically give you a higher quality product, or is it brand snobbery?

This, my second video, delves into the minefield of airbrushes and which are better. Is it simply down to the more you pay, the more you get?

Does a 3/4 times more expensive airbrush, guarantee you a better product?

Disclaimer:- All opinions on products and or companies are purely my own personal view and experiences, and in no way meant derogatory in any form. It is merely my own personal thoughts and preference for different items and products.
All comments in the comments section, do not reflect my own and any offensive or insulting comments will be removed. Any insulting, offensive or aggressive comments directed to other commenters will be removed and the poster of such will be removed and blocked from the channel.


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