愛美的故事 多元文化 x 藝術體驗 同少數族裔學寫字

Описание к видео 愛美的故事 多元文化 x 藝術體驗 同少數族裔學寫字

WEDO GLOBAL 舉辦的 多元文化 x 藝術體驗,一起與少數族裔學寫字!由文化大使帶領參加者了解不同文化,同時進行藝術創作🎨,讓參加者培養同理心,了解少數族裔的文化。愛美和阿恩在香港土生土長,作為文化大使各有抱負,希望可以一展所長💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾。
The best way to learn about a culture is to experience it yourself and exchange with different people!✨ WEDO GLOBAL organizes Multicultural x Art Experience, where one can learn to write with ethnic minorities together! Cultural Ambassadors will guide participants to understand different cultures and, at the same time, create artwork 🎨 so that participants can cultivate empathy and understand ethnic minorities' cultures. Kulsoom and Nayab were born and raised in Hong Kong. They both have ambitions as Cultural Ambassadors and hope to showcase their talents💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾.
#WEDOGLOBAL #CulturalWorkshop #文化工作坊 #文化體驗 #多元文化 #文化 #手作 #工作坊 #cultural #workshop #社企 #香港 #hongkong #multicultural #文化大使 #CulturalAmbassador #培訓 #創作 #創意 #creative #藝術 #arts #art #ArabicCalligrapghy #青年 #領袖


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