Geology of Green Aventurine!!!

Описание к видео Geology of Green Aventurine!!!

Green Aventurine the most common of the Aventurine Family, is a microcrystalline green quartz that displays aventuresence also sometimes called aventurization, which is an optical reflectance effect seen in certain gems caused by the presence of tiny, aligned inclusions of other minerals and manifesting itself as brightly colored reflections. In the case of Green Aventurine trace particles of Fuchsite (chromium mica) within the silica acid gives Green Aventurine its color and sparkle. Green Aventurine can range anywhere from a pale to a dark green color.

Green Aventurine is part of the Quartz family which has two main subdivisions, macrocrystalline (crystals that are large enough to be seen by the naked eye, for example, Amethyst) and microcrystalline (crystals so small they can only be seen through a microscope, for example, Agate). Aventurine falls under the microcrystalline division.

Aventurine is created when liquid magma from a volcanic explosion cools down and transforms into igneous rock. During this cooling down period, silica acid bubbles shift from being a gas/liquid into a solid compound. The bubble becomes a hollow space in the igneous rock and the silica acid becomes Quartz crystals. Trace particles of Mica within the silica acid give Green Aventurine its color and sparkle.

​​On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness Green Aventurine grades at a 7.

Green Aventurine is mined primarily in India and Brazil, but can also be found in China, Canada, the United States, and South Africa.

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