最正美食Happy Garden Best Foodie Haunts

Описание к видео 最正美食Happy Garden Best Foodie Haunts

Dear friends
Having gone the extreme to feature from a first world city to a tiny fishing
village, I was disappointed that these episodes fared badly in terms of viewership.
So for this episode I intend to stay put and feature KL. Maybe it will attract you a little more since it’s more accessible. Incidentally by featuring Happy Garden, I stumbled upon a food paradise in this township. Incidentally, I found food here that wasn’t available in other locations and was pleasantly surprise by the discoveries. Hopefully you will also find them as compelling as I did. Meanwhile please go out and support the local street food, they need your support more than ever since many are avoiding them because of their price hike. Thanks and I’ll catch you in the next.

Courtesy of Mr. Garry Loke for the Google link for this episode:


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