Moshiach is the LAST King

Описание к видео Moshiach is the LAST King

Welcome Back Chevra!

I hope you had a great Shabbos wherever you were in the world.

What your favorite things to do on Shabbos?

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In today's class we explore the deep layers of understanding hidden within the Tanya.

We'll be unraveling the mysteries of Hashem's presence and concealment.

Want to develop your leadership skills and make a positive impact in the world?

Join us in Yeshiva - in Jerusalem!


Rabbi Moshe Chaim navigates through the concept of Hashem's kingship, shedding light on why the world seems separate from the Divine and the significance of distance in appointing a true king.

Discover the symbolism behind 'embers within coals' as a representation of Hashem's hidden presence amidst our choices.

Delve into the fascinating discussion that touches on the purpose of creation, the meaning of 'am' (people/nation), and the necessity of distance in order to recognize Hashem as the ultimate King.

Uncover the intriguing idea that monarchy, particularly the concept of Messiah, embodies an awe-inspiring greatness, representing the ultimate vision for goodness and service to Hashem.

Join the Chevra on this captivating journey of discovery, unlocking the depths of God's presence and the profound implications for our lives.

Don't miss out on this thought-provoking exploration into ancient wisdom and its relevance in today's age of information and technology!

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to the Chevra for more engaging discussions and LIKE this video to support our channel's mission of enlightenment and understanding for all of humanity!!!


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