ProGaming - Hearthstone, Freeze Mage(5) vs Token Druid(5) by Manjemox and Jhareel, Ranked - Stand...

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ProGaming - Hearthstone, Freeze Mage(5) vs Token Druid(5) by Manjemox and Jhareel, Ranked - Standard (2019-07-26)
No Commentary Pro Gaming

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Cards: Acornbearer, Mecharoo, Dreamway Guardians, EVIL Cable Rat, Power of the Wild, Wrath, Blessing of the Ancients, Harvest Golem, Microtech Controller, Savage Roar, SN1P-SN4P, Explodinator, Replicating Menace, Soul of the Forest, Swipe, The Forest's Aid, Ray of Frost, Doomsayer, Frostbolt, Acolyte of Pain, Arcane Intellect, Conjurer's Calling, Frost Nova, Fireball, Polymorph, Luna's Pocket Galaxy, Zilliax, Blizzard, Archmage Antonidas, Astromancer, Jepetto Joybuzz, Alexstrasza, Kalecgos, Mountain Giant

#Hearthstone #Blizzard #HSReplay #LetsPlay #TheGamerBay #ESports #NoCommentary #ProGaming #FreezeMage #TokenDruid #Manjemox #Jhareel #RankedStandard #Acornbearer #Mecharoo #DreamwayGuardians #EVILCableRat #PoweroftheWild #Wrath #BlessingoftheAncients #HarvestGolem #MicrotechController #SavageRoar #SN1PSN4P #Explodinator #ReplicatingMenace #SouloftheForest #Swipe #TheForestsAid #RayofFrost #Doomsayer #Frostbolt #AcolyteofPain #ArcaneIntellect #ConjurersCalling #FrostNova #Fireball #Polymorph #LunasPocketGalaxy #Zilliax #Blizzard #ArchmageAntonidas #Astromancer #JepettoJoybuzz #Alexstrasza #Kalecgos #MountainGiant

Battle Log:

Turn 1: Manjemox
Jhareel draws [Frost Nova]
Jhareel draws [Astromancer]
Jhareel steals [Frost Nova]
Jhareel draws [Conjurer's Calling]
Jhareel steals [Astromancer]
Manjemox draws [Savage Roar]
Jhareel steals [Conjurer's Calling]
Manjemox mulligans [Harvest Golem]
Manjemox draws [Dreamway Guardians]
Manjemox plays [Mecharoo]
Manjemox steals [Mecharoo] using [Mecharoo]
Turn 1: Jhareel
Jhareel ends their turn
Jhareel steals [Frostbolt]
Jhareel draws [Frostbolt]
Turn 2: Manjemox
Manjemox ends their turn
Manjemox draws [EVIL Cable Rat]
Manjemox plays [EVIL Cable Rat]
Manjemox steals [EVIL Cable Rat] using [EVIL Cable Rat]
Manjemox receives [Goblin Lackey]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Mecharoo] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
Turn 2: Jhareel
Jhareel ends their turn
Jhareel draws [Archmage Antonidas]
Jhareel steals [Archmage Antonidas]
Jhareel uses [Fireblast] targeting [Mecharoo]
[Fireblast] damages [Mecharoo] for 1
[Mecharoo] dies
[Fireblast] summons [Jo-E Bot]
Turn 3: Manjemox
Manjemox ends their turn
Manjemox draws [Blessing of the Ancients]
Manjemox plays [Dreamway Guardians]
Manjemox steals [Dreamway Guardians] using [Dreamway Guardians]
a card summons [Crystal Dryad]
a card summons [Crystal Dryad]
Manjemox plays [Goblin Lackey] targeting [Crystal Dryad]
Manjemox steals [Goblin Lackey] using [Goblin Lackey]
Manjemox steals [Short Fuse]
[EVIL Cable Rat] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[EVIL Cable Rat] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 1
Turn 3: Jhareel
Jhareel ends their turn
Jhareel draws [Mountain Giant]
Jhareel steals [Mountain Giant]
Jhareel uses [Fireblast] targeting [EVIL Cable Rat]
[Fireblast] damages [EVIL Cable Rat] for 1
[EVIL Cable Rat] dies
Turn 4: Manjemox
Manjemox ends their turn
Manjemox draws a card
Manjemox plays [Blessing of the Ancients]
Manjemox steals [Blessing of the Ancients] using [Blessing of the Ancients]
Manjemox receives a card from [Blessing of the Ancients]
[Crystal Dryad] gains +1 health from a card
Manjemox steals [Ancient Blessings]
[Crystal Dryad] gains +1 health from a card
Manjemox steals [Ancient Blessings]
Manjemox steals [Ancient Blessings]
[Jo-E Bot] gains +1 health from a card
[Goblin Lackey] gains +1 health from a card
Manjemox steals [Ancient Blessings]
[Crystal Dryad] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Crystal Dryad] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 2
[Crystal Dryad] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Crystal Dryad] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 3
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 2
[Goblin Lackey] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Goblin Lackey] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 2
Turn 4: Jhareel
Jhareel ends their turn
Jhareel draws [Ray of Frost]
Jhareel steals [Ray of Frost]
Jhareel plays [Frostbolt] targeting [Crystal Dryad]
[Frostbolt] damages [Crystal Dryad] for 3
[Crystal Dryad] gets frozen
Jhareel plays [Frostbolt] targeting [Crystal Dryad]
[Crystal Dryad] dies
[Frostbolt] damages [Crystal Dryad] for 3
[Crystal Dryad] gets frozen
Turn 5: Manjemox
[Crystal Dryad] dies
Manjemox ends their turn
Manjemox draws [Explodinator]
Manjemox plays [Explodinator]
Manjemox steals [Explodinator] using [Explodinator]
a card summons [Goblin Bomb]
a card summons [Goblin Bomb]
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]
[Jo-E Bot] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore] for 2
[Goblin Lackey] attacks [Jaina Proudmoore]


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