10 Most Worn Fragrances of the Year | Designer & Niche Scents 2024 Year Roundup

Описание к видео 10 Most Worn Fragrances of the Year | Designer & Niche Scents 2024 Year Roundup

Hello Friends, In this video I discuss/briefly review my most worn fragrances of the year 2024 (Niche and Designer) from Houses including Chanel, Dior, Hermès, Guerlain, Serge Lutens, Frederic Malle and more.

Fragrances mentioned:
Chanel Paris Edimbourg
Serge Lutens Chergui
Houbigant Fougère Royale
Hermès H24 Herbes vives
Hermès Terre d'hermès Parfum
Heeley Cardinal
Frederic Malle Dans Tes Bras
Guerlain Heritage
CDG Odeur du Théâtre du Châtelet Acte 1
Dior Bois d'argent

Thanks for watching!

Music: "pink" by unfeel
Music promoted by unfeel: https://bit.ly/33MFdL5

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