Старославянская азбука. Интерклуб им. П. Лумумбы. Old Slavonic alphabet, Z letter.

Описание к видео Старославянская азбука. Интерклуб им. П. Лумумбы. Old Slavonic alphabet, Z letter.

56:51 - о букве Z (Земля), "которую на танках пишут сейчас". Explanation in English about Z letter: This is a letter of Old Slavonic alphabet. The low line is like connection with ground, with another comma which is the root for the ground. Upper line is a protection from above (God). Diagonal line is a connection of the sky and the ground. Slavs didn't have Zorro, sorry. The name of this letter is "ground" or maybe "Earth", it's the same word in Russian.


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