Nothing Could Have Prepared Us For THIS Unexpected Treasure Found Metal Detecting in Cape Cod MA!

Описание к видео Nothing Could Have Prepared Us For THIS Unexpected Treasure Found Metal Detecting in Cape Cod MA!

So we were invited up to Cape Cod Mass by our friend Eric for a weekend of metal detecting some of the oldest homes in America! Now our detecting weekend was suppose to start first thing Saturday morning, but because we rolled into town Friday evening with about an hour of daylight left Eric was also able to get permission to hunt the AirBNB we were staying at!

Now we weren't anticipating this place to be anything extraordinary, but with some time to kill we thought we'd give it a short go before unpacking and heading out to dinner. Well as luck would have it, thisAirBNB property was not only filled some amazing old coins, silver, and relics; but one piece in particular wound up having an almost unimaginable folklore connection to some of the earliest settlers in the State!


Are you thinking about trying out metal detecting for yourself? Feel free to contact me directly for help choosing the right equipment and for specials on any hobby related gear and equipment.

** [email protected] **


Our most frequently used detecting gear, some of which are affiliate links and help out the channel:

Metal Detectors:
Legend Pro Pack with extra coil & spare waterproof battery -
Nokta Score -
Simplex Ultra -

Nokta AccuPoint -
Garrett AT Pro Pointer -

Digging Tools:
Small Hand Diggers:
Excalibur Rugged Hand Digger -
Lesche Hand Digger - Left Side serrated -

Long Handle Shovels:
Excalibur Shovels "Merlin" -
Predator Tools "Pirahna" - 40" long -

Finds Bag:
Gray Ghost Ultimate Catch-All Pouch -

Field Case for Coin & Button protection:
Ultimate Finds Box -

Warman's wheat cent book still available for only $5.99 on Amazon. It holds every year wheat penny and mint mark and makes a great way to keep your collection organized.


Intro songs by:
Huma-Huma - "It's All Happening"
Jingle Punks "O Chanukah" - Instrumental

#MetalDetecting #Treasure #QuarterHoarder


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