54th GST Council meeting highlights | GST Council Meeting Update

Описание к видео 54th GST Council meeting highlights | GST Council Meeting Update

54th GST Council meeting highlights | GST Council Meeting Update
GST Council recommends Group of Ministers (GoM) on lifeand health insurance related GST with existing GoM on RateRationalisation; to submit report by end of October 2024
GST Council also recommends formation of a GoM to study thefuture of compensation cess
GST Council recommends to exempt supply of research anddevelopment services by a Government Entity; or a researchassociation, university, college or other institution notified u/s35 of Income Tax Act using government or private grants
GST Council recommends reduction in GST rates on cancerdrugs - Trastuzumab Deruxtecan, Osimertinib and Durvalumabfrom 12% to 5%.
GST Council recommends roll out of a pilot for B2C e-Invoicing
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