Breath of Fire 3 - Reaching the Oasis with Life Armor and Royal Sword

Описание к видео Breath of Fire 3 - Reaching the Oasis with Life Armor and Royal Sword

These are directions for getting from the Factory to the Oasis while picking up both the Life Armor and Royal Sword along the way. This can be done using the steps below*

*Just note that these directions have only been tested on the original Playstation version of the game and may not work in the PSP version.

1. From the Factory, walk NORTH for 2 full nights.
2. Walk WEST (4 left turns from north) until you find the Life Armor. This should occur after 2 and a half nights of walking.
3. Immediately after you get the Life Armor, walk NORTH to finish out the night.
4. Walk ENE (3 right turns from north) for 2 full nights.
5. Walk NORTH until you find the Royal Sword. This should occur after less than half a night of walking.
6. Immediately after you get the Royal Sword, walk EAST (4 right turns from north) to finish out the night.
7. Walk ENE (3 right turns from north) for 2 full nights.
8. Walk EAST until you reach the Oasis. This should occur after a half night of walking.

There is a shortcut you can use to reach the Life Armor instead of steps 1-2 above that saves one night of walking. However, this shortcut could be problematic depending on the type of screen you are playing on, so keep that in mind before using this shortcut:

Begin by walking NORTH as usual.
Immediately after you are prompted to drink water for the first time, walk NW (2 left turns from north) until the Evening Star disappears off the left side of your screen and is directly to the west. This should occur near the beginning of the third night.
From here, walk WEST until you find the Life Armor, then follow steps 3-8 above.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when traveling in the desert:

You can conserve water by walking for a while after being prompted to drink. This is necessary in order to make this long trip. You can take damage 4 times before you begin to temporarily lose your max HP. The beginning of the video shows how to do this.
NEVER make camp and rest until the sun is fully risen and you are prompted to make camp. When you do get the prompt, make camp immediately without taking any extra steps.
Whenever you break camp or exit a battlefield, make sure you check the stars and make sure you are facing the right direction before you begin walking again.
Sometimes you'll get unlucky and will be forced into a third battlefield just as the sun is rising. If you exit a battlefield and cannot see the stars, you can use the clouds to orient yourself. If you don't remember the position of the clouds, your best bet is to walk forward until the night is over.

Music: Turning Point (a.k.a. the Black Ship theme)


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