Giraffe Town: The Movie. [Part 1/2]

Описание к видео Giraffe Town: The Movie. [Part 1/2]

Alright, alright. I know what you're thinking already:
Seriously? More Giraffe Town?

Yes yes, I bet everyone is sick to death of this game, but don't you worry! This video (along with part 2) will be the final videos on Giraffe Town I will make. Consider it one final hoorah Marines! to the late and great brain child of Butt Monkey Jesus. Until his new game comes out that is.

I decided to flex my muscles as a film editor, so I turned Giraffe Town into a proper movie. I feel like it was the perfect game to make the transition seemlessly.

It's fully voice acted by your's truly along with a friend of mine: Salior Shea. Who did the voice of Big Dog. The role he was made to play.

So yeah, this is what I've been up to for the past 2 weeks. It's insane how much work I've put into this, for only like 25 views on the internet...

#Worthit! #WorshiptheButtMonkeyGod #GiraffeTownMovie #10/10IGN


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