JJ Leathersmith ends today. We are now Oldis Road

Описание к видео JJ Leathersmith ends today. We are now Oldis Road

Just over a year ago, I tried to trademark JJ Leathersmith but "Leathersmith" was already trademarked
Wtf! What am I going to do? It's been a decade of building up this brand, now even if I wanted to, I can't protect it.

Being an entrepreneur meanings doing what is required, especially when you don't feel like it or have no idea how.

When my lawyer told me that I couldn't trademark my brand I wanted to throw a fit, be mad at myself for the stupidity of not looking into it earlier. But that wasn't going to help.

I took it on the chin and shifted gears.
It was time for a new name. I knew within a few hours of wandering in a bit of a daze that I wanted a name that didnt mean much to anyone.

I wanted an empty vessel, like Nike was or Coke or any of the great brands. They filled the word up with their meaning through years of consistency.

Oldis Road came to mind. It was the name of the road that is one of the shortcuts to the beach where I grew up.

It had some nostalgia to it in some way. It inspired thoughts of travel, blues music and soul. It felt so damn right from the go.

Last year our business blew up, things finally clicked. But we were busy growing and settling into our new shoes as a business and the rebrand got back-burnered.

A few months ago I reached out to @1924us and told him what we had in mind. He nailed the implementation, top-tier execution.

By rebranding we open ourselves up to a whole new world that is still based in high quality, well-made consumer goods but doesn't trap us in with leather.
So with such great honor, we present you with Oldis Rd, for people who want their shht to last

We are working through the transition and are on track to be fully live with Oldis Road come next week.

We just wanted to let you know first.

Jon Jamieson

The owner.


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