How to Properly Create an Auto Increment Column in SQLite with SQLAlchemy

Описание к видео How to Properly Create an Auto Increment Column in SQLite with SQLAlchemy

Learn how to properly create an auto increment column in SQLite when using the SQLAlchemy ORM.
How to Properly Create an Auto Increment Column in SQLite with SQLAlchemy

SQLite and SQLAlchemy are popular tools for database management in Python applications. SQLite, a C-language library, provides a lightweight but powerful SQL database engine, while SQLAlchemy is a SQL toolkit and ORM (Object Relational Mapper). One common requirement in database design is the need to create an auto increment column. Auto increment columns automatically generate a unique identifier for each new row, ensuring data integrity.

Why Auto Increment?

Auto increment columns are essential in scenarios where each row in a table must have a unique identifier, such as primary keys. They help in managing relationships between tables, ensuring that each record can be uniquely identified.

Steps to Create an Auto Increment Column

Setting Up the Environment

Before we delve into creating an auto increment column, ensure you have Python installed along with SQLAlchemy and SQLite. You can install SQLAlchemy using pip:

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Import Required Modules

First, you need to import the necessary modules:

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Create the Database and the Table

Next, create a database and define the table schema with the auto increment column:

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In the above code, we use Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) to specify that the id column should be an auto incrementing integer, serving as the primary key.

Create the Tables

Execute the following commands to create the tables in the database:

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Interacting with the Database

To interact with your database, establish a session using SQLAlchemy's sessionmaker:

[[See Video to Reveal this Text or Code Snippet]]

Upon committing, the new row will automatically receive a unique identifier in the id column, thanks to the autoincrement keyword.


Creating an auto increment column in SQLite while using SQLAlchemy is straightforward. It involves defining a column with Integer, setting it as a primary key, and enabling auto increment. This ensures each new row gets a unique integer identifier automatically.

By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure efficient and reliable unique identifier generation for your SQLite tables using SQLAlchemy.


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