80 Reasons Why "Time's Arrow" is Bojack's BEST Episode!

Описание к видео 80 Reasons Why "Time's Arrow" is Bojack's BEST Episode!

Sorry for the cuts near the end...YouTube copyright is a tough hurdle to leap over.

It's been a while since we've done a wins video- I wanted to make sure we didn't lean too much into the whole "wins" formula and established our own style. That being said, I hope you enjoy because I love making these videos! Especially for perfect episodes of television like this. There are so many details to admire and focus on in this episode, it just makes sense to list them all off- one-by-one.

This episode has always left a strong impression with fans for it's horrifying depiction of dementia, and its touching ending with Bojack ultimately giving his mother peace. This one has a lot to say about family and the effects our ties have on our lives going forward. What do we learn and what do we take with us? What will we pass on to our children? This episode has a lot of tough question and leaves you with a very bittersweet feeling. She was given peace...but her life was such a mess, we wish we could do something to fix it.

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