Chandragiri betta |Chandragiri hill |Shravanabelagola | tourism |Gommateshwara Bhagwan , History

Описание к видео Chandragiri betta |Chandragiri hill |Shravanabelagola | tourism |Gommateshwara Bhagwan , History

Bahubali Temple video link-   • ബാഹുബലി.. Shravanabelagola | The real...  Chandragiri Betta
Chandragiri hill#Bahubali# Shravanabelagola# Karnataka tourism#
The recorded history surrounding the hill started in 300 BC when last Shruthakevali Bhadrabahu and Chandragupta Maurya visited the place in order to attain kaivalya(beatitude).The small hill derives its name of Chandra because Chandragupta was the first of the rishis who lived and performed penance there.

Kalbappu was the early name of the hill and it dominates the history of the town of Shravanab
elagola between 3rd century BC and 12th century AD. The Jain traditions link the Maurya Empire Emperor Chandragupta and his teacher Bhadrabahu with this place. Of the total number of 106 memorials found at Shravanabelagola, 92 are located on the small hill. Of these, about 47 memorials of monks, 9 of nuns, and 5 of householders belong to the 7th and 8th century. This points out at the popularity of the custom, and of its extensive prevalence on the small hill.



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