China says PLA drills around island of Taiwan a strong punishment for separatist acts

Описание к видео China says PLA drills around island of Taiwan a strong punishment for separatist acts

AFP: About the military exercises that China is currently conducting around Taiwan. The US General has said today these military drills are concerning. What’s your reaction to these comments from the US side?

Wang Wenbin: The PLA Eastern Theater Command has issued a press release about the joint drills, which you may refer to. The joint drills of the PLA Eastern Theater Command are a necessary and legitimate move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, crack down on “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and their separatist moves and send a warning to external interference and provocation. It is fully consistent with international law and common practices. 

I need to stress that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. This is both a fact based on history and the true status quo, and it will remain so in the future. “Taiwan independence” is doomed to fail. The Chinese people will not be deterred from defending our sovereignty and territorial integrity. The 1.4 billion strong Chinese people will resolutely push back any separatist activity for “Taiwan independence”. Anyone seeking “Taiwan independence” will find themselves crushed by the historic trend of China’s complete reunification.

We urge the US to stop conniving at or supporting “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and stop meddling in China’s internal affairs. Any attempt to endanger China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity will be met with China’s resolute response.
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