Meet The Asp Explorer - More Than Just Exploration | Elite Dangerous Commercial

Описание к видео Meet The Asp Explorer - More Than Just Exploration | Elite Dangerous Commercial

Lakon Spaceways is a manufacturer of ships and equipment in Elite Dangerous. They primarily specialize in producing large freighter and exploration vessels.

A trademark design feature is a forward-mounted, glassed-in cockpit that provides a wide range of vision both horizontally and vertically.

Introducing the Asp Explorer.

The Asp Explorer has a high jump range relative to other ships in the game and thus is very good for use as an exploration ship. It has six weapon hardpoints and has a good turning radius for its size which makes the Asp good for more than just exploration.

The Asp can act as a heavy-duty bounty hunting vessel due to its superb weapon capacity and good manoeuvrability for its size. Pirates can also use the Asp to great effect because of the ample cargo capacity, heavy armament, long jump range and large mass (allowing it to charge its own Frame Shift Drive with minimal mass disruption while also mass disrupting the frame shift drive of most ships).

The Asp Explorer also features a copilot seat located directly under the player's seat, visible while outfitting the ship.

All footage captured in-game.

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Music by Epidemic Sound (


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