Corepunk - This New MMO Could Be AMAZING! - Early Access Review

Описание к видео Corepunk - This New MMO Could Be AMAZING! - Early Access Review

Hello everyone! Today, we're going to take an in-depth look at the brand-new steampunk, dieselpunk, cyberpunk, (all the others)-punk MMO, Corepunk.
This is an MMO that's been high anticipated for years and its finally out! Sort of. We'll talk about everything that's good, bad, and anything else as we dive into the Early Access release of Corepunk, and hopefully, it'll help answer the question of whether YOU should give this game a try.

MMO Reviews Playlist:    • MMO Reviews  
Corepunk Playlist:    • Corepunk  

00:00 | Intro
00:38 | Character Creation
01:45 | Classes
04:05 | The World
06:14 | Movement & Combat
08:06 | Tradeskills (Professions)
09:52 | Monetization & P2W
11:25 | Outro

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