GST Software Demo | Overview of GST Software | GST Filing Software

Описание к видео GST Software Demo | Overview of GST Software | GST Filing Software

Goods and Services Tax would be levied on ‘supply’ of goods and services and hence the present prevalent concepts of levy of excise on the manufacture, VAT/CST on sales, entry tax on entry of goods in the local area would no longer be relevant.

GST registration in Delhi, Gurgaon and other cities at best prices. LegalRaasta is an online CA/Agent for GST registration.

In This Video, Following things are described

00:00 - 00:16
On the back of 80,000+ satisfied clients, Tax Raahi – a renowned tax compliance enabler of Legal Raasta, now also keeps you in the lead on your Goods and Services Tax compliance.

00:16 - 00:56
It helps you in simplifying complexities relating to classification of goods and services into almost 20000+ categories to find the right one for you, handle multiple registrations for operations in multiple states and its return filing effectively and efficiently, reconcile inward and outward supplies for every single invoice automatically and quickly, define user access rights for different users like CAs, Accountants, Management and Clients and most importantly collaborate with an ERP or accounting software of your choice or even Microsoft excel.

00:56 - 01:21
Its salient features include multiple user support, auto reconciliation, error checking and calculation, direct import from accounting software, and submission to GSTN without latency along with an option to notify mismatches and upcoming due dates which can be accessed on-the-go from any compatible device.

01:21 - 01:27
Let’s have a look at the interface and features more deeply.

01:27 - 01:51
Comprehensive dashboard to have a bird’s eye view and easily navigate through any functionality with just a click of a button like – return filing, payment, and ledger – notifications for pending returns, due dates, and mismatches – utilities like HSN code finder, GSTIN check, and Applicable Rate finder.

01:51 - 02:03
Master database for company management in which you can add companies, their multiple branches at different locations, import company data and define user access rights.

02:03 - 02:17
Customer and Supplier Management to auto-populate parties, verify GSTIN and create a seamless supply chain management to timely identify and notify any mismatches.

02:17 - 02:35
Invoice Management to input all types of B2B, B2C, Export, or Ecommerce invoices or import them from ERPs like Tally, SAP or excel and reconcile advances, debit notes, and credit notes.

02:35 - 02:50
Easy 3-step reconciliation to import purchase & sales register, auto-sync values into GSTR 2 from a supplier, and automatically approve-disapprove mismatches.

02:50 - 03:01
You can check out our website to get an insight into our other software products which cater to 80,000+ customers across the globe including top MNCs.

To know more about GST, please refer to other videos by LegalRaasta. You can also login to our website In fact, you can get GST registration and GST filing services from LegalRaasta. CAs or accountants can use LegalRaasta software for filing GST returns.

Watch this full video for detailed knowledge. Also, Like and share this video and please subscribe to our channel for more updates on our upcoming videos.

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GST Registration -
GST Return Filing -
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