Tip burn disease in mango | Symptoms and Management

Описание к видео Tip burn disease in mango | Symptoms and Management

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Tip burn Disease of Mango:- Tipburn of mango leaves is often, though not always, caused by one of two conditions. Either the plant is not getting enough water or else salt has accumulated in the soil. Both can occur at the same time, but either one can result in mango leaves with burnt tips.

symptoms -The primary symptom of tipburn of mango leaves is necrotic sections around the leaf edges. It is important to figure out the cause of the condition in order to begin appropriate treatment.

Management -Tipburn caused by fluctuations in moisture can be solved by regularizing irrigation. Set a schedule for watering your plant and stick to it.
Soil testing is also suggested to know actual availability or excess of elements in the Soil.



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