Star Citizen 4.0 Getting ore pods out of storage with freight elevator [Work around]

Описание к видео Star Citizen 4.0 Getting ore pods out of storage with freight elevator [Work around]

In this video, I have a medium hangar. You will need 112x1 SCU containers so expect to spend about 1.2k on Waste in addition to 14k per Argo Ore bag. For small hangars, you need only 60x1 SCU containers. You have to fill two layers completely for this to work.

You have to unlock your ports before you can detach/attach the ore pods. After you are done swapping, store your ship, then change something on it in the VLM, save, then set it back and save. Removing the QD is one such action that will work. This will ensure you get your Argo ore bags back if your ship is claimed.

WARNING: Ore pods will overlap one another if you bring more than one up at a time. Recommend bringing only 1 Ore pod up at a time or risk other difficulties in getting them separated. They already overlap the SCU containers.

WARNING: Due to the likelihood of having your ship destroyed while trying to store it, I strongly recommend running the cycle swapping 1 bag at a time. Store the ship, and save it in VLM with a change. Then repeat for each bag. In this way, you only lose 14k for a destroyed ship rather than 56k on all four bags.

Grid chart:


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