Project Reefer - Building our dream Red Sea Reefer - Part 1

Описание к видео Project Reefer - Building our dream Red Sea Reefer - Part 1

It is time for a new display aquarium here at Charterhouse HQ!

After a little back and forth we settled on a new Red Sea Reefer G2 display aquarium, and thought, why not create a video series, sharing with you guys the selection, build, scape, fill and stocking of the aquarium? So we introduce PROJECT REEFER.

Join us for Part 1, where we talk through the range of Red Sea aquariums available, why we choose the 425XL and watch us build the cabinet ready for the next stage - EQUIPMENT!

Links to products featured in the video can be seen below. As always thanks for watching, don't forget to subscribe to the channel and we will see you on Part 2 coming soon...

Red Sea Reefer G2



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