Custom Harley Davidson Lower Fairings - 3D Printed For The CVO Road Glide

Описание к видео Custom Harley Davidson Lower Fairings - 3D Printed For The CVO Road Glide

I designed and 3D printed my own lower fairings for a CVO Road Glide since I could not get them anywhere because of the 21 inch front wheel. I was told it couldn’t be done, but I printed a set in carbon fiber/nylon (NylonX from Matterhackers). I finished them with XTC-3D resin and then did a temporary paint job with USC SprayMax 2K for the clear coat. This video is while I am on my way from Fort Worth, TX to Alaska, and they have held up great and work incredibly well. Part II to this video with final harley paint is here:    • Custom Harley Davidson Lowers - Part 2  


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