De-stressing & Relaxing essentials

Описание к видео De-stressing & Relaxing essentials

Relaxation is more than simply absence from work. It involves freedom from tension and anxiety and is a regenerative experience that improves your mood. Practicing relaxation is paramount to managing stress. When we relax, the flow of blood increases around our body giving us more energy. It helps us to have a calmer and clearer mind which aids positive thinking, concentration, memory and decision making.

Pretty much all facials will cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize your skin. A good facial will leave your skin looking and feeling better, but should also leave you feeling relaxed and refreshed, and the experience should allow you some well-deserved downtime and give you a good pampering.

Another is when you immersed in warm water, buoyancy takes some of the gravitational pressure off of your body, allowing you to relax more deeply. Hot tub relieves tension directly, loosening up your muscles to help avoid unnecessary stiffness and strain during daily activities.

Hot tubs and even natural hot springs have been used for stress relief and overall wellness for ages. More recently, researchers have explored the measurable physical effects of soaking in warm water, and the implications they have for our well-being. The National Aquatics and Sports Medicine Institute conducted a study in which participants’ vitals were monitored as they soaked in hot tubs set to various temperatures. The participants who soaked for 24 minutes in 102-degree water—a widely recommended temperature setting—experienced changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration that tend to lead to greater relaxation.

When you lower your stress level, you can increase your energy, improve the quality of your sleep, better manage your weight, strengthen your immune response, improve your mood and clarity of mind, and enjoy more connected relationships. In fact, your hot tub offers a great opportunity to share quality time with your friends and family. Because hot tub stress relief invites calm and allows you to be more present in the moment, you may experience deeper conversations and positive growth in your relationships.

So, make time to relax and breathe...

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