‘Frightening’ footage of ‘fired up’ hate preacher in Australia calling for Jihad

Описание к видео ‘Frightening’ footage of ‘fired up’ hate preacher in Australia calling for Jihad

“Frightening footage” of a hate preacher in NSW proves Australia’s politicians have been so reckless with the people’s safety, according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

A preacher named Brother Ismail made headlines last week after he made alarming statements following Hamas’ attack on Israel early last month.

NSW Police is now investigating the individual as many have slammed the preacher.

“This one preacher that the police are now looking into is someone identified only as Brother Ismail, who is fired up by this Hamas war on Israel and is calling for Jihad,” Mr Bolt said.

“We are now paying the price for teaching new immigrants to despise this country.

“You can see the terrible danger now that our politicians have imported and coached – the hatreds now that make so many Jews here fear for their safety, for their children’s safety.”


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