Описание к видео #VITEEE

Vellore Institute of Technology admits bachelor students through its own engineering entrance exam, called the Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE). It is conducted every year in the month of April and May. The exam has been conducted online since 2013 and in 2018, 212,000 students have registered. VITEEE 2021 Exam Pattern has been revised, there will be a total of 80 questions in the paper that can be answered in a total duration of 90 minutes. VITEEE Eligibility Criteria requires candidates to have scored a minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Chemistry, Physics, Biology/Mathematics in Class 12. Moreover, VITEEE 2021 Score will be compulsory for B.Tech admissions into all campuses of VIT. Eligible candidates will compete for 5000 engineering seats.

VITEEE playlist :    • VITEEE_SRMJEEE  

NEET CHEMISTRY Playlist :    • NEET & JEE 2021 | Most Expected Quest...  


NEET BIOLOGY Playlist :    • NEET BIOLOGY Questions | THE LIVING W...  

MIND MAP Grade 11 Playlist :    • Redox Reactions/Full Chapter/Quick Re...  

MIND MAP Grade 12 Playlist :    • SOLUTIONS / Full Chapter one shot / N...  

DERIVATIONS Physics Playlist :    • SOLUTIONS / Full Chapter one shot / N...  

MEMORY BOOSTER TIPS Playlist :    • How to Develop A SUPER-POWER MEMORY |...  

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